Have you been using Osmosis for awhile and need a change. I have a suggestion for you. It is only for skin that may tolerate a little stronger product. Not for sensitive skin.
Use Clear, Stem Factor, Renew, Replenish and Rescue. You get anti-aging, a more clear and even skin tone.skin tone and excellent results. The Clear helps the products penetrate into the skin and extra hydration. It is anti-bacterial also. When you use Renew, you may want to start a few days per week and work your way up.
Stem Factor is Osmosis number one selling product. It contains over 150 different skin growth factors, derived from adult stem cells, that create this magical serum that improves all aspects of skin aging and skin damage. It gently restores the repair process and stimulates new cells to build collagen and elastin, heal hyperpigmentation and reverse aging.
To purchase these products, please go to this website http://www.karinherzog-jmilan.com
You need to log in for your discount as per Osmosis. Excellent savings for my customers